
  • 2024-07-08
  • 運輸科技及資訊組
編號 期數 期刊名稱 出刊日期
1 172 Accident Analysis and Prevention 2022.07
2   Air Transport World  2022.06
3 184:15 Aviation Week & Space Technology 2022.07.25-08.07
4 38:3 Airline Business 2022.05
5 40:4 Environment and Planning C-Politics and S 2022.06
6 23:7 IEEE Transportation On Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022.07
7 62:7 International Railway Journal 2022.07
8   Special Reports (Lioyd's List) 2022.05
9 81 Journal of Safety Research 2022.06
10 23:16 Journal of Commerce 2022.08
11 56:2 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2022.04
12 148:2 Journal of Urban Planning and Development 2022
13   The Economist


14   Time 2024.07.15
15 332 TR News 2022.03-04
16 33:2 The International Journal Of Logistics Management 2022
17 124 Transport Policy 2022.08
18 42:4 Transport Reviews 2022
19 49:3 Transportation 2022.06
20 45:1 Transportation Planning & Technology 2022
21 56:4 Transportation Science 2022.07-08