
  • 2024-09-09
  • 運輸科技及資訊組
編號 作者 書名 分類號 登陸號
1 交通部運輸研究所 交通部運輸研究所年報  112年 557.12 S02624
2 交通部民用航空局飛航服務總臺 交通部民用航空局飛航服務總臺112年年報   S02625
3 TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine NCHRP RR1111: Diagnostic Assessment and Countermeasure Selection 625.7 E16507
4 TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine NCHRP RR1115: Transporting Freight in Emergencies 625.7 E16508
5 TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine NCHRP RR1116: Development of a MASH Barrier to Shield Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Other Vulnerable Users from Motor Vehicles 625.7 E16509
6 TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine NCHRP RR1102: Reliability and Quality of Service Evaluation Methods for Rural Highways 625.7 E16510