

1 1985年世界貨櫃港埠調查與分析 倪安順 75 3
2 1985年世界貨櫃港埠調查與分析 倪安順 75 3
3 1985年世界貨櫃港埠調查與分析 倪安順 75 3
4 2008年海峽兩岸海運通航協商之檢討 包嘉源 98 12
5 2016 HTSS模式於臺灣郊區雙車道公路非阻斷性車流路段分析之應用 歐陽恬恬、林豐博、曾平毅、蘇振維 107 9
6 A Behavioural Approach to a Traffic Assignment Model H.F.Wang 71 12
7 A Continuing Study of Traffic Conflicts Technique in Tainan, Taiwan J.Y.C.Chang 68 10
8 A Critical Comparision on the Performance of Some In-Vehicle Route Guidance Systems C.C.Tao 78 3
9 A Critical Comparision on the Performance of Some In-Vehicle Route Guidance Systems C.C.Tao 78 3
10 A Critical Review on the Efficiency of Rotaries in City Street Network S.F.Yeh,C.F.Wang 64 7
11 A Discussion of the Government Decision to Proceed Simultaneously with the Freeway Investment and the Electrification of the Railway D.J.Fritz 61 3
12 A General Survey of the Existing Practices on Freeways for Monitoring Detector Data and Incident Control Strategies C.Y.Jeng 74 3
13 A Methodology for Capacity and Level-of -Service Analysis of Freeway Basic Sections Feng-Bor Lin ,Cheng-Wei Su 87 3
14 A Methodology for Capacity and Level-of -Service Analysis of Freeway Basic Sections Feng-Bor Lin ,Cheng-Wei Su 87 3
15 A Predictive Accident Model for Two-lane Rural Highways in Taiwan K.L.Ting,C.L.Yang 80 3