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交通部運輸研究所Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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No. 書名 作者 分類號 登入號
106. NCHRP RR1053: Valuation and Compensation Approaches in Utility Accommodation TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16386
107. NCHRP RR1057: Enhancement of the Practice for Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16388
108. NCHRP RR1060: Ignition Furnace Correction Factors TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16390
109. 公共運輸行動服務使用意願之研究 蔡曉涵;指導教授 鄭永祥 博士 D03786
110. 因應海運聯盟重組之港口競爭力研究-- 以高雄港及廈門港為例 張簡弘祺 D03787
111. NCHRP RR1048: Corrosion Protection of Steel Bridges Using Duplex Coating Systems TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16374
112. NCHRP RR1033: Long Term Roadside Crash Data Collection Program TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16375
113. 112年交通部模範公務人員 事蹟簡介 交通部 050 C25474
114. 中華民國111年臺灣旅遊狀況調查報告(含光碟) 交通部觀光局;研究單位: 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 992 S02609
115. ACRP RR251: Digital Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience and Increase Airport Revenue TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16371
116. NCHRP S606: Integrating Freight and Active Transportation into Policies, Programs, Plans, and Project Development TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16373
117. BTSCRP RR8: Highway Safety Behavioral Strategies for Rural and Tribal Areas TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16377
118. The Coast Guard's Next Decade TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16370
119. NCHRP S610: Leveraging Social Media Data for Emergency Preparedness and Response TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16372
120. ACRP S124: Automated Pavement Condition Survey Practices at Airports TRB;National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 625.7 E16378