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交通部運輸研究所Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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No. 書名 作者 分類號 登入號
16. 災害防救白皮書 民國112年 行政院 575.87 C25494
17. 內政概要 中華民國 112年 內政部統計處 573.561 S02616
18. NCHRP RR1088: State DOT Models for Organizing and Operating Emergency Response TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16428
19. 林榮三文學獎得獎作品集 (第十九屆) 孫梓評、謝麗笙編 863.3 C25492
20. 台灣無人機技術與產業發展之挑戰 黃仲宏;齊立平 447.7 C25489
21. 科學技術統計要覽 2023年版 國家科學及技術委員會前瞻及應用科技處 等 302.8 S02615
22. NCHRP RR1078: MASH Railing Load Requirements for Bridge Deck Overhang TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16430
23. NCHRP RR1079: Shared-Risk Insurance Pools for Transit Agencies TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16431
24. ACRP RR258: The Evolution of Knowledge Management at Airports TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16432
25. ACRP S132: Airport Landside Data TRB;National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 625.7 E16433
26. 中央政府科技研發績效彙編111年度 徐玉梅 總編輯 409.33 C25491
27. NCHRP RR1073: Development of Crash Prediction Models for Short-Term Durations TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16429
28. NCHRP RR1083: Alkali-Silica Reactivity Potential and Mitigation TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16434
29. Examining the Economic and Social Regulations of Ride-sourcing Services in Asia: The Cases of Singapore, Philippines, China, Japan, and Taiw 王韻捷;指導教授 廖俊雄 博士 D03805
30. 大漢溪沿岸板橋至龍潭交通改善策略評估 V01271