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交通部運輸研究所Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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No. 書名 作者 分類號 登入號
76. NCHRP RR1070: Tools for Assuring WIM Data Quality TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16399
77. ACRP S125: Communication, Implementation, and Outcomes of Airport Economic Impact Studies TRB;National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 625.7 E16401
78. NCHRP RR1056: Toughness Requirements for Heat-Affected Zones of Welded Structural Steels for Highway Bridges TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16394
79. NCHRP RR1059: Access to Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and Education in Rural Areas TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16395
80. NCHRP RR1061: Highway and Street Design Vehicles TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16396
81. NCHRP RR1065: Life-Cycle Planning Analysis in a Transportation Asset Management Framework TRB;The National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16397
82. 複雜網路理論應用於鐵路事故與事件因素之研究-以臺鐵為例 徐偉豪;指導教授 陶治中 博士 D03801
83. BTSCRP RR7: Improving MPO and SHSO Coordination on Behavioral Traffic Safety TRB;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine 625.7 E16391
84. 藉由數位錄影資料辨識公路客運司機駕駛行為之研究 羅家偉;指導教授 陶治中 博士 D03799
85. 應用3D-IPA探討短距運輸服務品質之研究-- 以Youbike為例 葉家瑋;指導教授 許超澤 博士 D03800
86. 臺鐵列車座位配置之最佳化模式 賴筠涵;指導教授 邱裕鈞 教授 D03796
87. 社群媒體大數據分析應用於臺鐵安全績效與網路輿情對照之研究 邱柏元 D03797
88. 大數據分析應用於交通行動服務高雄MeNGo月票之顧客分群研究 郭銘倫 D03798
89. 散裝海運運價指數與經濟成長率、鋼鐵指數、農金指數、能源指數間之因果分析 張娟華 D03788
90. 不同經濟景氣海運碳權之分配 黃博健 D03790