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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title A study of the relationship between the perception of elders’ risk and unsafe behavior with count-down pedestrian signal
Year 2009

Liu, Hsiang-yi, 2009.01
Institute of Transportation Science, Tamkang University

  According to 2003 to 2007 the statistics of traffic accident, had showed that the fatality of the pedestrians are 50% out of the total fatality due to the traffic accidents. Pedestrians who are older than 65 years have a higher fatality rate than other age groups at intersection. It is complicate of traffic flow and road design and hide many danger at insection more than road The tendency of aging population and change of child birth habit decreases birthrate and ages population structure in Taiwan.There are more and more elder walk at traffic environment. This study investigates the perception of elders’ risk will influenced by the count-down pedestrian signal and the relationship with the elder’s unsafe behavior.

  From literature review, we find that most of studies have focused on the behavior of the drivers and the traffic accident analysis, but the studies on the pedestrian’s behavior are very few especially to the elder. The elder’s physical and mental status is rapid degenerating than people and it is special of the relationship between the elders’ mental and unsafe behavior. This study use theory of Planned Behavior to discuss the relationship between the perception of elders’ risk and unsafe behavior with count-down pedestrian signal. Describe the value of elder’ perception risk, then divide the elder into several groups according to the indices performance by Hierarchical cluster analysis and ART of neural network.Decision the suit analysis by discriminant Analysis. To compare result of perception risk cluster with other factors by ANOVA analysis.Discuss the different perception risk between the elder who crossed intersection with count-down pedestrian signal or not. Finally, the proposed model is confirmed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique then analysis the factors relationship by path analysis and effect analysis.

  This research finds that:(1)count-down pedestrian signal is no obvious influence to unsafe behavior. But psychological have influence to unsafe behavior.(2)perceived behavior control factor is the most dominate factor in the elder’s unsafe behavior mode.It is only one facter that direct influence unsafe behavior intention factor.Attitude factor indirect influence unsafe behavior intention factor.(3)There exist a significant negative relationship between the elder’s perception risk and attitude, perceived behavior control and unsafe behavior intention factor.(4)The elder who crossed the intersection with count-down pedestrian signal are higher perception risk but the elder who crossed the intersection with traffic signal.(5)The high perception risk elder cluster who crossed the intersection with count-down pedestrian signal walk with low risk behavior and the low perception risk elder cluster who crossed the intersection with count-down pedestrian signal walk with high risk behavior.

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