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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title The Research of The Users of Survey Analysis on Drivers' Education System
Year 2007

Wan-ting Chen,2007.08
Feng Chia University

  The trainees will be assigned a trainer from driving school by random if and when they register for driving education course if they don’t appoint a trainer. Although the education period is neither long nor short, it is important for trainees in getting along well with trainer. If the trainees have a bad communication with their trainer, it may affect learning. Therefore, this research intends to analyze the effect of interaction between the trainees and the trainer by three stage survey. The first stage questionnaire is used to understand the type of the trainees’ personality. The trainees will response the first stage questionnaire before a series of courses. According to the result of first stage questionnaire, the driving school may assign a new suitable trainer to trainees. As for the second stage questionnaire, it is used to express the interaction between the trainees and the trainer by trainees after a few learning days. If the trainees has any problem in learning, the driving school will assist the trainees as possible as they can. Finally, the driving school can know the trainees’ quality of satisfaction by the last stage questionnaire after a series of courses. The aspect of last stage survey’s satisfaction include academic subject, skill subject, equipments, environment and service. Comparing assigned group’s satisfaction with original group’s, we find that assigned group’s satisfaction is significantly effective to increase on trainer’s attitude, trainer’s expression and communication ability and the satisfaction of trainer’s teaching.
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