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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title Effects of Traffic Enforcement Alarm Transmitter on Driving Speed
Year 2007

Chih-Ming Liu,2007.10
Department of Transportation Technology and Management National Chiao Tung University

  Reducing driving speed has an essential role to play in traffic safety. This study measured the effects of traffic enforcement alarm transmitter on driving speed on a 70 kph road. A transmitter was deployed that triggered the receiver to broadcast the audio messages including "Enforcement of 70 kph speed limit.", "Enforcement of 60 kph speed limit.", "Enforcement of 50 kph speed limit.", and "Enforcement of laser speed-measuring ahead." Before-after study was utilized. There were three stages in sequence including before the deployment of the transmitter, with the deployment of the transmitter, and removing the transmitter. The speed along research road was measured using a laser gun at the upstream, the affected zone, and the downstream. The traveling speed downstream compared to both the affected zone and upstream has significantly reduced when the audio messages were "Enforcement of 70 kph speed limit.", "Enforcement of 60 kph speed limit.", and "Enforcement of 50 kph speed limit."   However, the audio message "Enforcement of laser speed-measuring ahead." did not show effect to reduce vehicle speed. This may be due to rarity of the audio message "Enforcement of laser speed-measuring ahead." heard on the study road section. The proportion of vehicles traveling over speed limit was also found to significantly drop when the audio messages sounded "Enforcement of 70 kph speed limit.", "Enforcement of 60 kph speed limit.", and "Enforcement of 50 kph speed limit."
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