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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title The Study of analyze the Transit Deserts
Year 2023
Degree Master
School Department of Transportation and Logistics Management College of Management National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Author Hsin-Yu, Chen

       Public transportation not only meets the basic needs of diverse user groups but also stands as a cornerstone for regional development. Driven by imperatives such as energy conservation, carbon reduction, sustainable transportation, regional development, and the realization of social equity, the promotion of public transportation holds a significantly vital position in the development strategies of nations worldwide. In order to facilitate the advancement of public transportation, it is imperative to assess the current status of public transportation services to identify existing gaps. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology that can judiciously define the gap in the supply and demand of public transportation services.

       This study aims to establish a clear and better method for calculating and quantifying gaps between transit demand and supply by utilizing bus real-time data, car ownership data, and various social indicators. Furthermore, this study proposes a supply indicator that takes into account service frequency and compares it with two existing methods. The empirical testing reveals that the method proposed in this study exhibits enhanced rationality in identifying the Transit Deserts, while also demonstrating simplicity, legibility, and interpretability in its indicator design.

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