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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title Establishment and Discussion of the Relational Model of Road Traffic Safety Performance Indicators
Year 2021
Degree Master
School Department of Transportation and Logistics Management,National Chiao Tung University
Author Chin Liu

     How to reduce the number of casualties in accidents has been the director of the efforts of the central and local governments for many years. However, when conducting relevant improvement plans or research, most of them are targeted only at serious accidents. There is no systematic plan. Therefore, this research intends to establish a set of correlation systems to understand the relationship between core indicators and behavior indicators. Behavior indicators include violations and safety culture. However, these indicators are highly correlated with each other and will cause endogenous problems. Therefore, this paper tried to use the ERM model of STATA statistical software to solve it. The correlation system is modeled for eight common types of accidents, using accident data from 100 to 108 years of the Taiwan, Republic of China, and data from research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and incorporating relevant socioeconomic variables. It is hoped that it can be used as a reference for the central and local governments to make road safety improvement plans.

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