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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title An Assessment on Automatic Vehicle Location and Communication Technologies for Advanced Bus Transit Systems
Author Shyue Koong Chang, Yu-Ru Liu, & Hsin-Hsiung Chen
Summary   Promotion of public transit systems is an important and necessary policy in Taiwan Area. Use of advanced technologies to improve public transit system’s service quality and operational efficiency can make the public transit systems more attractive and reliable. Among various technologies used for advanced public transportation systems (APTS), the automatic vehicle location (AVL) and communication technologies are the essential ones. This study aims to develop evaluation framework for selecting alternatives of AVL and communications for urban bus transit systems. The study first identifies specific characteristics, operational environments, and costs of various AVL and communication technologies. Five alternatives of combination of AVL and communication technologies are proposed based on functional requirements for smart urban bus transit. This study then develops an evaluation framework based on AHP concept. Qualitative and quantitative information are collected for multi-criteria framework evaluation that consists of 7 criteria, i.e. capital investment, operation cost, communication capacity, real-time capability, accuracy, route adjustment flexibility, and system expandability. The study also conducts case studies. Several scenarios with various bus fleet sizes and operational scales are assessed. Two deployments of advanced bus transit information system in Taipei and Shin-chu are also evaluated. The results in the case studies verify the applicability of the evaluation framework developed.
Vol. 30
No. 1
Page 203
Year 2001
Month 3
Count Views:463