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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Inbound Supply Chain Risk Analysis
Author Vincent C. Li, Teresa Wu and Ding Mou Guo
Summary   Product procurement management is one of the most important and frequently occurring activities of firms. Since all participants in the supply chain rely on each other, any risk in the supply chain can lead to a serious disruption to the whole network. This paper reviews the literature of inbound supply chain risk management and proposes an integrated method to classify and manage the inbound supply risk factors for manufacturing firms from a long-term point of view.

  By reviewing the literature of supply chain risk management, we propose a framework that evaluates risks occurring as early as the purchasing stage or as late as after-sales. The framework we develop is generalized so it can be adapted to different industries. By utilizing Analytic Network Process (ANP) and fuzzy theory, the proposed framework is capable to evaluate the inbound supply chain risks. Such analysis helps the firm identify the relationship among risk factors and the importance of each of them. This analytical result can help the firm make decisions, such as risk management decisions and resource allocation decisions.

Vol. 40
No. 2
Page 185
Year 2011
Month 6
Count Views:444