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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Developing an Airspace Simulation Model for Terminal Control Area
Author Melody D. M. Dai, Cheng-Chih Chang, Jong-Shyang Liou, Fu-Shang Hsu
Summary   Domestic air traffic has increased significantly since the open sky policy was announced in 1987. However, the airspace of Taipei FIR is lim-ited and thus has some difficulties in accommodating all the operations of these aircraft. Such a situation is especially acute at some terminal control areas (TCAs), such as Taipei TCA. While facing the growing demand and limited supply, it is very important to develop a simulation model to analyze the performance of the airspace system and evaluate the effectiveness of each proposed strategy.
  This study tried to develop an airspace simulation model while taking into account the characteristics of Taipei TCA. First, this study col-lected the essential data and established the database, such as the network information, required separations in between various aircraft, flight sched-ule, and link travel time, etc. And then, this study developed an airspace simulation model, Air Net Simulation (ANS), to analyze the performance of the airspace system and evaluate the effectiveness of each proposed strategy while taking into account the characteristics of Taipei TCA.
  ANS is a microscopic, stochastic, event-scanning simulation model. It consists of seven modules: Aircraft Generation, Pre-departure, Runway Management, Runway Clearance, Post-departure, and Approach and Connection Flight. It provides the following information: the average and the maximum waiting time of departure queues, the average departure queue length, the maximum departure queue length, the throughput at the holding fix, departure hand off fix, arrival hand off fix, the average queue length, the average waiting time and the total waiting time at various loca-tions, the number of take-off handled per time unit, the number of arrivals handled per time unit and the runway utilization.
Vol. 31
No. 1
Page 207
Year 2002
Month 3
Count Views:448