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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Author Timo Eccarius、Chung-Cheng Lu
Summary In recent years, sharing-schemes for electric scooters have been established globally, also in Taiwan. However, hardly any studies have furthered the understanding of electric scooter sharing adoption among consumers. This study explores the reasons among potential users for and against using electric scooter sharing, their usage intentions, potential trip purposes and mode shifts,as well as respondents’ experience with and attitudes toward shared use mobility and electric vehicles. A survey with open-ended questions was undertaken to explore the reasons for and against among consumers to use electric scooter sharing. We employ qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze data collected among university students in Taiwan.
Our results encourage investigating electric scooter sharing usage intentions across countries or cultures globally in different contexts. Consumers’reasons for and against using electric scooter sharing display different structures and emphasis, and should be investigated in distinction. Findings on trip modes point out desirable and undesirable potential consequences of electric scooter sharing use, depending on the cultural context. The results provide transportation researchers, planners and policy makers with a baseline for further investigating the potential impact of electric scooter sharing.Quantitative surveys can be developed based on the findings of this study.
Vol. 47
No. 4
Page 271
Year 2018
Month 12
Count Views:630