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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Author Yun-Ju Chen、James C. Chu、Kanticha Korsesthakarn
Summary Scooters are one of the major transportation modes in Taiwan. Apart from raising environmental consciousness, the government has been devoted to popularizing electric scooters. Compared with gasoline-fueled scooters, electric scooters have a lower driving range and require more frequent refueling. One of the approaches to refuel electric scooters is to swap batteries at a battery swapping station. The advantage of this approach is that it takes only minutes or seconds to complete. Backup batteries may also be stored in scooters to extend their driving range. This study focuses on electric scooters adopting the battery swapping approach. As the efficiency of refueling is one of the main concerns of electric scooter users, this study develops a discrete-event system simulation model for the battery swapping systems of electric scooters, which include scooter users, batteries, and swapping stations. The model can be used to analyze the performance of battery swapping systems. In a numerical example, the simulation model is applied to optimize the location and capacity of swapping stations. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to further understand the effects of factors such as budget, power threshold of swapping batteries, power consumption rates, and battery charging rates on the locations of swapping stations. The simulation model is shown to have the potential to aid the planning and design of electric scooter systems and benefit the popularization of electric scooters.
Vol. 48
No. 1
Page 63
Year 2019
Month 3
Count Views:624