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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Study of Airport Engineering, Planning, Design and the Future Development of the Major Airport in the World
Dept IOT
Year 1998
Summary Recently, Taiwan’s economy has been growing steadily. The GNP is improved. The Government has allowed people to travel abroad and to visit their relatives in Mainland China. These factors result in a rapid growth of international air transportation. In addition, Taiwan is located between southeast Asia and northeast Asia, right in the center of the Asian-Pacific Region. It has a great potential of becoming the gateway for the following areas: North America to Southeast Asia, Mainland China, and Europe, and Southeast Asia to Northeast Asia. This location has equipped Taiwan with potentials of turning CKS International Airport into the Hub for Asian-Pacific Region. Therefore, it is the most urgent mission to reinforce the planning, development, and expansion of Taiwan’s airports in order to enhance the development of Taiwan into the Asian-Pacific Air Transportation Center.

The rapid development of aerospace technologies and Engineering techniques, as well as the wonderful designs, constructions, and expansions of other countries' airports can serve as very good references for Taiwan’s development of Air Transportation Center. In view of this, the Institute of Transportation proposed a project entitled "The Study of Airport Engineering, Planning, Design and the Future Development of the Major Airports in the World" in 1997. It is hoped that through this project, we can collect and analyze the development experiences of major Airports around the world, so that we can understand the development trends in the future and then further improve our Airport engineering planning and design, as well as our air transportation policies.

Post date 1998-10-10
Count Views:413