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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Study of Effects of Telecommunications Applications on Individual Travels and Business Operations
Dept IOT
Year 1997
Summary In a broad sense, telecommunication technology (TT) can be viewed as one type of transportation mode. The innovation of telecommunications will affect not only individuals' travel decisions, activity locations and schedules, but also business operating schemes and costs. The purposes of this study were to explore the effects of telecommunications technologies on transportation, and the investigate the demand and supply factors affecting individuals' and firms' choices between telecommunications and transportation on their activities, and formulate decision and prediction models on these media choices. By analyzing the effects of future trend of TT, telecommunications planning and investment development strategy can be provided to related regulatory and operation department.

The brief of this study is as below:

1)The characteristics of various TT were investigated, and the TT applications of individual activity and business operation, and their potential influence aspects on transportation system were analyzed.

2)Two types of models, one for individuals and the other for firms, were formulated, calibrated and applied to analyze and predict the usage of telecommunications as compared to that of transportation. The model on individual choices was formulated by using utility functions, while the model on firm decisions is formulated by using cost functions. These two types of functions were formulated by exploring the relevant demand and supply factors and aimed at describing choice behaviors between applying telecommunications and transportation on individual activities and business operation.

3)Based on analyses above, questionnaires have been designed, and surveys have been implemented by distributing these questionnaires among selected individuals and major firms. Then, the formulated models were calibrated and further applied to predict the usage of telecommunications as compared to transportation .

4)It is envisaged that the results of the study will help to grasp the future trend of telecommunication and transportation and shed some light on their development strategies and planning issues.

Post date 1997-11-01
Count Views:529