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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Promoting the Integration and Application of Decision-making Support Systems for Scanning Service Gaps in Public Transportation
Dept Transportation Operations and Management Division
Year 2019
Month 3
Price 700
Summary The Institute of Transportation (IOT), MOTC, carried out the “Value-Added Application and Demonstration Project for Developing an APTS Application System with an Integrated Database” from 2012 to 2013. In addition, the IOT also carried out the “Demonstration Project for Regional Public Transport Service Indicators” from 2013 to 2014. Two decision-making support systems were developed in these projects respectively. The “APTS Value-Added Application System with an Integrated Database” was developed in the former project and can assess the scale of bus service gaps by providing several evaluation indicators. The “National and Regional Public Transport Services Indicator System” was developed in the latter project and can assess the degree of public transport system development through its own evaluation indicators. The functions of both systems are different but complementary. As these two systems require similar databases, hardware, and software, this project integrated them as a decision-making support system for scanning service gaps in public transportation. This ensures it is more powerful, convenient, and economical.
This decision-making support system can assist government authorities in objectively recognizing bus service gaps as well as assessing the effects of adjusting the allocation of transportation resources. It can eliminate management blind spots due to insufficient information or simply relying on past experience which helps the supply of transport services better satisfy the public’s demands. This project also set up a consulting team to help the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC, as well as 14 city and county governments use the decision-making support system to analyze practical cases. During its development, system functions and the interface were adjusted based on user feedback thus enhancing the relevant authority’s ability to properly allocate transportation resources.
Post date 2019-03-07
Count Views:748