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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Proposing the Measures to Reduce Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission for Transportation Department
Dept IOT
Year 1998
Summary Global climate change has been in focus worldwide. Since the Kyoto agreement was drawn at the Third Session of the Conference of Parties held in Oct. 1997, at Kyoto Japan, which set up the binding limits of greenhouse gas emission for all parties, the relative topics about the environmental protection had, furthermore, become a very hot spot. With this trend, our country held the National Energy Conference in May 1998 to discuss and planning the reduction levels for different departments, such as transportation, housing and business, and industry. According to the conference conclusions, the proportion of transportation energy consumption reduction was planned to be 17% of national energy consumption reduction.

Because the proportion of transportation energy consumption is increasing and transportation activities are making worse adverse impacts, such as emission of NOx and CO2, to environment, it is important for the transportation department to propose effective measures to reduce the energy consumption. In this study, at first, we discussed transportation energy consumption, air pollution of motor vehicles and emission of GHG in Taiwan nowadays. And then, we reviewed transportation policies and research results related to the energy consumption reduction. Finally, we proposed promising measures for transportation department and estimated the amount of reduction for each measure.

Post date 1998-07-01
Count Views:550