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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Study on Comprehensive Land Transportation Planning in Central Taiwan(1/3)-Survey and Preliminary Analysis of Travel Characteristics(2/3)-Analysis and Supplementary Survey of Travel Characteristics
Dept Transportation Planning and Land Transport Division
Year 2023
Month 4
Price 840

       The Central Taiwan region includes five counties and cities: Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Nantou County and Yunlin County. This study focuses on the Central Taiwan region and aims to understand changes in travel behavior through a survey of travel characteristics and traffic volume on the screen line. It also aims to complete socio-economic forecasts, transportation supply and demand analysis, and big data analysis with cellularbased vehicle probe data for the region.       

       Additionally, a transportation demand model for the Central Taiwan region was constructed to facilitate the development of transportation development strategies in subsequent years. The related study results are as follows:
1. Future socio-economic development trends
(1) The population of cities and counties in the Central Taiwan Region is expected to decline continuously and the proportion of its population to the overall population of Taiwan will also decrease slightly in the future.
(2) The household size, the employed population and the student population in the Central Taiwan Region are expected to decline due to the trend of low marriage rate, late marriage age and declining birth rate.
(3) Personal income and car/scooter ownership are expected to grow slowly.
2. Observation and analysis of travel characteristics in the Central Taiwan Region
(1) Private vehicles, such as cars and scooters, are the main transportation mode choice of the Central Taiwan Region and the proportion of non-motorized vehicles is around 15% to 23%.
(2) Private vehicles are the main means of transportation for home-to-work (HBW), home-to-other (HBO), home-toschool (HBE), and non-home-based (NHB) trips, while public transportation is used more for HBE travel than for other travel purposes.
(3) The average trip length is around 3.88 to 6.11 km per trip. Nantou area has the highest (3.02 km per trip) and Yunlin area has the lowest (1.94 km per trip) trip length.
(4) The 65-and-over age group primarily takes HBO trips, and their usage of automobiles and scooters is lower.
3. Analysis of travel demand in the Central Taiwan Region
(1) The average trip rate is around 1.44 to 1.86 trips per person. Taichung area has the highest (1.86 trips per day) and
Miaoli area has the lowest (1.44 trips per day) overall trip rate.
(2) For cross-living circle trips, the interaction between Taichung and Changhua areas is the most frequent, followed by that between Taichung and Nantou as well as Miaoli areas. The trips of living circles are affected by the degree of urbanization, and the main population and industries are still concentrated in the main core development areas.
(3) The trips of cross-living circles are dominated by private vehicles. The proportion of using cars is the highest at 75.4%, followed by scooters at 9.8%. These trips are dominated by private vehicles, and the proportion of using scooters is the highest at 62.0%, followed by cars at 31.4%.

Post date 2023-04-28
Count Views:112