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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Research on the Application of Digitization and Blockchain Technology in the Operation Chain of Container Transportation
Dept Transportation Engineering, Maritime and Air Transport Division
Year 2021
Month 7
Price 350

       Smart technology and digitization have become the development trends in international shipping, and they are also one of the most fundamental links to improve efficiency and competitiveness. There are already ports, customs, shipping companies and maritime blockchain alliances in the world that use digitalization and blockchain technology as solutions, and carry out implementation and testing. Considering that the process of maritime transportation involves cross-customs, ports, contracting, banking, insurance and other industries, the process and composition are very cumbersome, complex and diversified, and it is difficult to reach a unified standard in the establishment of nodes and verification. However, the lack of subsequent mutual communication and consensus calculation mechanisms between
private chains and public chains will limit the future application of blockchain technology and its development in
This research is forward-looking basic research. It collects complete operation process nodes and the trade
documents involved, discusses related topics in detail and researches countermeasures, and explores the introduction
of blockchain technology in international container transportation operations in response to international development
trends, challenges and response methods, in order to formulate strategies and promotion steps for Taiwan's port sector
to apply blockchain technology in container transportation operations, and to propose that in the process of applying
blockchain technology, Taiwan's government departments and shipping-related industries will play a role, while
proposing recommendations for what to do.

Post date 2021-08-09
Count Views:387