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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A Study in Railway Safety Management System – the Development of Strategies for Building the Mechanism
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2019
Month 8
Price 480
Summary To reduce railway accidents, implement risk management through a well-defined safety management system (SMS) is needed. This study built on the results from previous projects to further study the contents of railway SMS, and develop SMS guidelines as well as manuals for local railway operators. The supervision regulations were also reviewed and proposals for amendments were made.
This study, based on practices in advanced countries, proposes twelve key items for railway SMS and its implementation guide, consisting of 53 mandatory requirements and 121 optional reminds. The guide could support operating organizations to implement gap analysis and then develop action plans to improve accordingly. This study suggests incorporating specific requirements into laws and regulations, which would push railway operators to implement SMS. The government should also develop resources for proper supervision, including a National Safety Plan, assessment mechanisms, training, and detailed regulations.
This study looked at the Alishan Forest Railway as a case study to check if SMS guidelines are applicable in practice through an SMS manual. The results of this case study provide feedback on the SMS manual, and supports the Alishan Forest Railway through writing an SMS manual ad help the railway with developing strategies for implementing SMS in the short term as well as the medium and long term.
Post date 2019-08-20
Count Views:619