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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Western Taiwan intercity land transport statistics 2017
Dept Transportation Planning and Land Transport Division
Year 2019
Month 4
Price 0
Summary This article is aimed to study changes in passenger traffic of land transport (including HSR, Taiwan Railway, national highway bus (NHB) and small car) in western Taiwan inter-city corridor, changes in public transport market of Western Taiwan, and causes to changes in HSR passenger traffic in 2014-2017. Outcome of this article may serve as the reference of management and decision making by the MOTC and relevant incumbent entities. Highlights of what we have found:
1. Total inter-city passenger trips in the Western Taiwan transport corridor up slightly from 2.953 million per day in 2014 to 3.088 million per day in 2017. Trips in holidays up from 5.773 million to 6.143 million daily the same period. That is, total trips in holidays are 1.9-2 folds more than that in weekdays.
2. Growth of Western Taiwan inter-city trips by private vehicles far outrun that by public transport services due to rising national income and purchasing power, declining fuel price and small car use costs, soaring domestic national tourism, and increasingly bettering road facilities.
3. By reviewing the 2014-2017 Western Taiwan inter-city land transport market 103-106 western inter-city land transport market we may position the HSR, Taiwan Railway, and NHB system as illustrated below:
    (1) HSR is targeting at the long-distance segment (it accounts for 25-40% share in this segment, over 200 km, both weekdays and weekends and holidays).
    (2) The Taiwan Railway is serving the long- and medium-distance trip market: (The 20-100 km short-distance trips account for 6-8%; 100-200 km medium-distance trips 14-16%, and the over 200 km long-distance trips only 11-15%) .
    (3) The NHB account for 12-15% share in the over 200 km long-distance trip segment; it is neither primary nor secondary means in each trip distance and dominates no service segments.
    (4) Small cars are the main vehicle in serving the inter-city land transport with declining market share in segments with rising trip distance over medium- and long-distance ones (>100 km); its average share in the over 200 km long-distance trip segment account for 33~48%.
4. Among the 4 newly opened HSR stations (Miaoli, Yunlin and Changhua in December 2015 and Nangang July2016): in terms of inbound passengers (of departure station) the Nangang one ranks the first and followed by Yunlin, Miaoli and Changhua in that sequence. Passenger traffic at Taipei station has been declining since the HSR Nangang Station opened to service and proves it's sharing the burden of the Taipei Station.
5. After the 4 HSR stations opened to service, the passenger traffic of Taiwan Railway by its Tze-Chinag Express goes down than same period earlier years; inbound passengers at its Miaoli, Tianzhong, and Douliu Station is presenting the same trend; its Nangang Station, being co-constructed with HSR and MRT Blue Line and aimed to share traffic at its Taipei Station, enjoys rising passenger traffic instead .
Post date 2019-05-21
Count Views:802