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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Development and Applications of Transportation Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Evaluation Module for Urban Areas (2/2)
Dept Transportation Energy and Environment Division
Year 2019
Month 12
Price 600
Summary In order to meet the goals of carbon reduction within the transportation sector as stipulated by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction and Management Act, it is necessarily to review the historical trends of energy consumption and GHG emissions in the transportation sector as well as analyze the effects of GHG reduction measures adopted by the transportation sector. Therefore, the project has established an evaluation module for energy conservation and carbon reduction strategies in the transportation sector in order to facilitate the aforementioned efforts.
The research on The Development and Application of Transportation Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Evaluation Module on Urban Area was conducted over 2 years. In the 1st year (2017), the urban transport energy conservation and carbon reduction strategy module was completed. The primary objective of this year (2018) is to expand the module’s function in the evaluation of air pollution reduction performance in order to assess the effectiveness of urban traffic control measures on carbon and pollution reduction.
The research applied the module to evaluate the effects of the following 2 case studies, “Public transport seasonal ticket + expanding the parking fee area across the capital areas (Taipei city, New Taipei city, and Taoyuan city)”, and “Electric city bus & private vehicle fuel cost adjustments in Taipei city and New Taipei city area”. The results revealed that the policies encouraging the citizens to make use of public transport and minimize the use of private vehicles are the most beneficial for increasing public transportation ridership as well as reducing carbon and pollution emissions. Besides, electric city buses also help to mitigate air pollution reduction, especially pollutants such as NOx.
The research also analyzed 5 policy issues such as “Energy consumption in the transportation sector and oil prices” and “Analysis of air pollution reduction performance over the life span of electric buses”.
Additionally, the project’s 2 platforms including "Integrated Information Platform for the Evaluation of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Policies in the Transportation Sector" and "Green Transportation Campaign Website" are able to reinforce their support on energy conservation and carbon reduction efforts as well as foster the popularization of green transportation-related knowledge. Other efforts include the visualization of GHG emission data of different modes of transportation, simple carbon emissions calculation tools, and simple pollution reduction performance estimation tools, etc
Post date 2020-01-03
Count Views:447