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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Evaluation on the Financial Affordability for Local Governments in Implementing MRT Construction Projects in Taiwan
Dept Transportation Operations and Management Division
Year 1997
Summary   The four provincial metropolises - Taichung, Tainan, Taoyuan and Hsinchu - have drafted their overall plannings for the construction of the MRT systems in their respective counties and adjoining areas; totally, eight local governments are involved. Nevertheless, the proposed construction budgets, most of which are easily exceeding NT$100 billion, are beyond the financial affordability of the central government. Therefore, the local governments have to bear their own parts should the MRT systems be actually constructed. This study assumes four scenarios of local governments* shares in order to examine their affordability. The results show that among the eight local governments, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, Taichung city and Tainan city could bear up to 30% of the total construction cost attributed to them, followed by Tainan county, 10%, and Taoyuan county, 6.67%. However, both the governments of Taichung county and Nantou county simply could afford none. In view of this, the study suggests the central government, when appropriating its budgets to local governments, should designate different subsidy schemes for local governments in accordance with their financial capability. In addition, when the central government determines the construction priority for the four MRT systems, it should also weigh on the local governments* financial affordability.
Post date 1997-12-01
Count Views:434