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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Study on the Relationship Between the Road Marker and the Visibility Deviation Angle Relative to the Car Head Lamp Axis
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 1997
Summary   The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the visibility of the "360° tempered glass" and the "corner cube" retroreflective road markers. The visibility of the road marker is attributed to many factors such as the deviation angle of the road marker relative to the light axis of the lamp, the light intensity distribution of the lamp, the retroreflectivity and characteristics of the marker. Among these factors, the deviation angle is the most important. The study is mainly to investigate the maximal visible deviation angles of these two markers, and then derive the practical visibility thresholds for road markers. The study consists of a simulation experiment and a field experiment. Both require real driving condition. The results show that the minimal deviation angle of 360° tempered glass marker is 36.0° and the corner cube marker is 30.39°. The field test is in agreement with simulation experiment.
Post date 1997-11-01
Count Views:544