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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Planning on Long Distance Bus Transfer Centers in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
Dept Transportation Planning and Land Transport Division
Year 1996

  The Taipei Metropolitan Area (TMA) is the most important origin of long distance bus transportation in Taiwan. For the time being, major intercity bus terminals are highly concentrated in CBD, and about 70 percent of the trips are generated from four terminals: the East, North and West terminals of the Taiwan Bus Company and Chenh-Der terminal of Tong-Lian Bus Company. In addition, more than 30 percent of these passengers are from outside Taipei city. The passenger movement to and from CBD terminals significantly worsens the traffic around these terminals, and its low accessibility decreases the tendency of long distance travelers to take the bus. So, it is necessary to perform comprehensive planning on long distance bus transfer centers in TMA.

  This work is performed following a four-step processes. First, the present condition of long distance bus operations is analyzed to define issues pertinent to bus transport development. Second, the characteristics of bus transfer centers are discussed to identify the functions they can provide in TMA. Third, the site alternatives for terminals are decided through a two-stage evaluation process, considering the spatial structure, land availability, and relative transportation level of service. The last step is to set up an overall program to define the functions and development strategies for each site.

  It is found that six sites may have high potential for becoming bus transfer centers. Among them, the most feasible one is the Jiau-9 terminal site near the Taipei Railway Station, and it is suggested to be implemented immediately. Three sites are suggested to be incorporated in short-term projects, including MRT BL13 station, Jong-Luen and the new San-Chung terminal. The mid-term and long-term programs are to establish the Taipei Zoo terminal and new Pan-Chiao station.

  Finally, the strategies of development and operations for each terminal are proposed. In short, the most favored approach to development is to include the land owner and the local government in conducting a joint development of the transfer centers. If the land owner is willing to take BOT pattern, it is highly welcomed as well.

  This report also contains some other relevant suggestions, including how to incorporate local bus entrepreneurs and taxi companies to support the terminals, how to integrate existing and new transfer terminals, and how to improve the local traffic conditions. Moreover, information and ticketing centers are advised to better the interface between passengers and long distance bus services.

Post date 1996-12-02
Count Views:477