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交通部運輸研究所Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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No. 篇名 年份 張貼日期
117826. An Algorithm for a Class of Nonconvex Programming Problems with Non-linear Fractional Objectives 1985 93-09-24
117827. Dynamic balance of a biped robot using fuzzy reinforcement learning agents 2003 93-09-24
117828. Do criminals go to the hospital when they are shot? 2002 93-09-24
117829. Number of Points Served and Economics of Spatial Scope in Transport Cost Functions 2001 93-09-24
117830. A General Index of Technical Change 1988 93-09-24
117831. Lattice effect algebras with (o)-continuous faithful valuations 2001 93-09-24
117832. Heuristics for the flow line problem with setup costs 1998 93-09-24
117833. Assessing the Compliance of Telematics Automotive Products with the European Principles of Human-Machine Interaction 2001 93-09-24
117834. Move based heuristics for the unidirectional loop network layout problem 1998 93-09-24
117835. Robust Control and Model Uncertainty 2001 93-09-24
117836. Same Game, Different Players: Problems in Urban Public Utility Regulation, 1850-1987 1989 93-09-24
117837. In-vehicle videotaping of drinking driver traffic stops in Oregon 1999 93-09-24
117838. Integrated Model for Project-Level Management of Flexible Pavements 1986 93-09-24
117839. Solid-State Pretimed Traffic Signal Controller Units 1987 93-09-24
117840. CARRIER ANNOUNCEMENTS 1998 93-09-24