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交通部運輸研究所Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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No. 詞彙 英文翻譯 分類
61. 區段徵收計畫書公告及通知 To inform and declare to the landowners about the proposal of zone expropriation 高鐵
62. 召開區段徵收說明會 To hold a seminar for zone expropriation 高鐵
63. 召開區段徵收後地價評議會議 To held a conference to discuss about the issue of land price after zone expropriation 高鐵
64. 區段徵收財務結算 To end up with financial balance on zone expropriation 高鐵
65. 研訂禁止土地移轉及禁建等事項並報核 To draw up the issues to prohibit land from transferring, rebuilding and to offer proposal to the upper government organization. 高鐵
66. 現場會勘 To go jointly with someone to the spot where both sides need to sight and check out in order to be more familiar with the spot. 高鐵
67. 研擬區段徵收後地價評議會提案 To draw up proposals of land price after zone expropriation 高鐵
68. 地上物拆遷 To demolish the affiliated things on land 高鐵
69. 邊界及公共設施用地分割 To divide up the boundary and the land of public facility 高鐵
70. 都市計畫相關業務之處理 To deal with such thing that was related to urban plan 高鐵
71. 地籍整理 To deal with making land registration and allocation 高鐵
72. 異議處理 To cope with the odds opinion 高鐵
73. 掌握開發時程總進度 To control the time chart of development 高鐵
74. 變更管理機關 To change the administrative organization 高鐵
75. 辦理公有土地撥用 To be responsible for the transition of public lands 高鐵