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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Transportation Dissertation

Title Emissions Inventory of Freight Transport for Petrochemical Industry- A Case Study of T Corp
Year 2022
Degree Master
School Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science, National Cheng Kung University
Author Lai, Ling-Chun

     The goal of the thesis is to examine the effects of environmental concerns that T Corp. must deal with in order to transform into an ESG petrochemical company with a sustainable future. T Corp. limits the value of cooperation between its production facility in Kaohsiung, China, U.S., and its EU storage center, which is located in Antwerp, Belgium. Petrochemical items are shipped from the warehouse to local customers in the EU through EU outbounds. In order to deal with the impact of reducing environmental damage, it is necessary to analyze and confirm the environmental impact of human harm, the resources of the gases and pollution produced during the logistics and distribution process on the entire natural environment, and ecology wear and tear. Accelerate the adoption of ESG operation strategies for T Corp.; high-value fossilized enterprises are sustainable; more effective use of strategies to concentrate on finite resources to protect the environment; develop eco-friendly and low-carbon solutions; strengthen supply chain resilience to maximize benefits; and annually strengthen protective measures for enterprise operations. It will also advance thinking on globalization and its effects on climate change and the environment, as well as having a far-reaching and unprecedented impact on environmentally friendly supply chains, including worldwide production facilities and global warehousing management. Three-year span of T Corp.'s aggregate data collecting, from 2019 to 2021 Through the use of SimaPro software to conduct life cycle assessments and inventory analyses, it was discovered that the "distance" and "quantity" of the Kaohsiung factory, American factory, and the Chinese factory to the European logistics center, which have a significant impact on environmental impact damage. The number of petrochemical products delivered by sea from the Kaohsiung Plant, China Plant, and U.S. Plant to the Antwerp Logistics Warehouse Center in Europe, Belgium , In light of the current global government's compliance with the "net zero carbon emissions" regulatory requirements, this research suggests that in order to transform T Corp. into an ESG petrochemical company, in addition to creating a sound supply chain organization, improving petrochemical plant processes, and strengthening corporate operation strategies, it is necessary to further strengthen the company's internal and external operating performance. The study's findings can be used to support T Corp.'s utilization of petrochemical products made in comparatively eco-friendly American factories in European warehousing operations and the creation of petrochemical product inventories in the European Belgium Antwerp Logistics Warehouse Center.

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