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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Study on City Landscape Image-Oriented Evaluation of Exterior Design of Light Rail Vehicle –The Case of Tamhai’s LRT
Author Chi-Chung Tao and Meng-Chieh Lin
Summary   The goal of maximizing the optimal efficiency of road transportation is always to be achieved by transportation planners till now. Nevertheless, negative environmental effects caused by growing traffic make people aware that humanity-oriented transportation should be emphasized in transportation planning. In recent years, the promising development of light rail transit system has been promoted to meet this trend. Especially the concept of moving landmark standing for city image becomes one of meaningful factors for shaping city landscape image. This study aims at identifying relationships among users, exterior design of light rail vehicles, and landscape image factors by using interactive visual surveys and complexity theory-based evaluation models. Having reviewed theories of landscape image, key factors relating to exterior design of light rail vehicles are screened and summarized by two rounds of Delphi surveys. These filtered factors are used to propose exterior design alternatives of light rail vehicles. In addition, visual-oriented interactive questionnaires displayed by iPad are used to survey users’ opinions of different exterior design alternatives. With the help of complexity theory the AGA-ESM evaluation model is chosen to rank the priority of alternatives. Finally, the key landscape image factors derived from evaluation results can be identified.
Vol. 43
No. 1
Page 33
Year 2014
Month 3
Count Views:502