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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Automatic Driving Vehicle Following Control Logic in Mixed Lane Adjacent to Automated Highway System in Case of Incidence
Author Jiuh-Biing Sheu, Hsi-Jen Wu and Meng-Chao Tsai
Summary While automatic driving vehicles can be controlled automatically by a safety vehicle computer system and driven on a road, we will face the challenge of how to properly make the automatic driving vehicle passing through the lane where automatic and manual driven vehicles mix near the event area and adjacent to automated highway system. The main subject of research topic is to design an automatic car-following logic by the judgment of the front vehicle behavior under the assumption of an incidence occurring on in single-automated-lane highway system. The purpose of automatic car-following logic is to avoid instability in the rear traffic. There are two indicators, maximum dynamic setting distance and minimum one designed in the logic. We also considered the rider comfort and used the programming languages to simulate various scenarios of car-following. Then we compared with the traffic simulation software in the General Motors car-index to determine the stability of automatic driven vehicles under car-following situations. The study concludes four kinds of automatic car-following logic, to judge the acceleration or deceleration of automatic driven vehicle possible by the relative distance and speed of the front two vehicles. The results of this research can support automatic driven vehicle control logic under abnormal traffic.
Vol. 45
No. 2
Page 133
Year 2016
Month 6
Count Views:479