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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Analyzing Drivers’ Adoption Intentions of eTag Service of Electronic Toll Collection System on the Freeways
Author Yi-Wen Kuo
Summary   The electronic toll collection (ETC) system has recently changed a new RFID eTag system without payment to substitute on-board unit (OBU) in Taiwan. Thus, the electronic distance-based charging strategy would be implemented due to the usage rate of ETC service has already achieved the anticipated goal. Since it would not legislate to force cars equipped with eTag while driving on the freeways, other dealing costs may be supplemented to non-eTag users. Therefore, it is really important to realize switching barrier factors of non-eTag users and execute applicable service marketing strategies for management concern. Thus, this study would analyze drivers’ usage intention according to whether they adopt eTag or not and relative significant factors by ordered probit model. The latent factor, such as the innovative and imitative attitude, acceptance attitude would apparently impact drivers’ usage intention of eTag service. Then the innovation diffusion theory would be applied to describe the diffused pattern of eTag service and the service marketing strategies would be developed. This study conducted a survey of which the questionnaire to collect data from car drivers commuting on the freeways in western Taiwan. The results would assist the operator to propose the marketing strategies in order to enhance the usage rate of eTag service.
Vol. 44
No. 3
Page 215
Year 2015
Month 9
Count Views:489