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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title Optimal Selection of Diversified Business Model for Taiwan International Ports Corporation
Author Yi-Chih Yang and Chiao-Wen Peng
Summary   In the face of sever port competition in the maritime environment, Taiwan International Ports Corporation need to apply the strategic analysis on the feasibility of the operation of port business diversification. The study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Grey Relational Analysis to analyze the data, and to rank the order of diversified business modes. After empirical examination the paper found that:(1)The related diversification and unrelated diversification theories can be integrated into the lantern theory, so that it can be applied to two different business models of a corporation. (2)Through empirical analysis, we found that in the diversified business model assessment factors, management capability of core competence dimension is the most important one, followed by strategic risk of risk diversification dimension. (3) Sorting by comparison in the business model, there was no difference between them. The order of sort priority is vertical diversification, and then horizontal diversification, conglomerate diversification, concentric diversification.
Vol. 42
No. 4
Page 383
Year 2013
Month 12
Count Views:464