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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title A Revised Market Regulation Framework for Highway/Urban Passenger Transportation
Author Sheng-Hsiung Chang
Summary   According to existing market regulation framework for highway/urban passenger transportation, operators find it hard to provide door-to-door and seamless transportation services. This study discusses several important issues in highway/urban passenger transportation markets, which include service gaps within medium/small towns, unfair competition, and illegal operations in free-way intercity service, and inefficient measures for seamless transport. Based on lessons of market regulation, learned from other countries, this study proposes a revised market regulation framework. Integrated transport network, instead of single route in past regulation, is used as an application unit for concession in the revised framework. In addition , the jurisdiction of concession, industry classification, building public terminals, and entry control are also discussed in this study.
Vol. 41
No. 2
Page 193
Year 2012
Month 6
Count Views:464