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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Author Chiung-Wen Chang、Wei-Yuan Hsiao、Yi-Cheng Chang、Chi-Liang Hsieh、Chia-Chi Li
Summary The railway and highway systems are essential infrastructure for the national economic development and the people's life. However, the risks of damage to these systems are increasing with the aggravated impacts of climate
change. To reduce the impacts on the railway and highway systems, we have to investigate the vulnerability and evaluate the risks caused by climate extreme firstly. This study reviewed domestic and international literatures and
experiences relative to the vulnerability and risks of extreme events. According to the concept of vulnerability and risks in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), this study defined the vulnerability and risks of the railway and highway systems to assess impacts and the likelihood of disasters. Then, focused on the extreme rainfall, and used the flood potential maps from Water Resources Agency and the geological hazard potential maps from Central Geological Survey to build vulnerability and risk maps. The results could be good for the authorities of railway and highway systems to master the adaptation issues of climate change and plan the adaptation actions further.
Vol. 45
No. 4
Page 251
Year 2016
Month 12
Count Views:470