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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title The Establishment and Application of Spatial Decision Support Indicators for the Review Process of Intercity Bus Routes
Author Jau-Ming Su, Yu-Chiun Chio, Chih-Hung Chang, Mu-Han Wang, Jin-Yuan Wang, Chin-Tung Tsai, Mei-Hui Shen
Summary The quality of the intercity bus review process is the key factor affecting the healthy development of intercity bus operation environments. However, due to the insufficient decision support information, the reviewers of intercity bus routes are usually forced to make subjective decisions. To enhance the decision quality, this paper developed a questionnaire survey that aims to analyze the importance and necessity of twelve spatial analytical factors in the review processes, such as opening new routes, adjusting extant routes, and retiring old routes. This questionnaire was distributed among members of Intercity Bus Review Committee. In addition, with the spatial analysis capability of Geographic Information System (GIS), eight analytical indices were proposed based on the databases of numerous intercity bus networks, as well as the distribution of residential population, major attractions, and transportation demand. Two sample cases relating to the retirement of the old route, ChuTong-TouZi, and the opening of the new route, HuKau-HSR HsinChu Station, were reviewed. The results show that the proposed indices clearly reflected the effects that the two routes have on the population, ratio of overlapping routes, local transportation demand, and temporal accessibility. The proposed spatial decision support information can be provided as a significant reference in the review process of intercity bus operations.
Vol. 42
No. 2
Page 171
Year 2013
Month 6
Count Views:484