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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Trans. Planning Journal

Title The Effects Of Quality Management Implementation, Customer Orientation And Knowledge Sharing On Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Job Performance In The Airline Industry: Evidence From China Airlines
Author Edward Ku, Chun-Ming Yang, Miao-Yen Lai

  Enforcing for the raising of customer service quality and seriously competitive situation, many organization implement the total quality management (TQM) practices to enchant operation process improving and service quality. The purpose of this study is to determine how TQM, customer orientation and knowledge sharing affect organizational citizenship behavior and job performance in China-Airlines.

  In this study, 592 effective respondents are randomly selected from China-Airlines flight attendants. Findings demonstrated that organizational citizenship behavior has mediating effect between customer orientation and job performance; TQM has not significant direct positive relationship with organizational citizenship behavior, but has significant direct positive relationship with job performance. However, the important result is the strong evidence that customer orientation enhances organizational citizenship behavior, which in turn helps to improve job performance, and knowledge sharing moderates effects between organizational citizenship behavior and job performance.

Vol. 40
No. 3
Page 309
Year 2011
Month 9
Count Views:426