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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Study of Parking Generation Rates for Different Land-Uses in Taipei City
Dept Transportation Energy and Environment Division
Year 1996

  The parking problem has been one of the serious traffic problems for a long time in Taiwan. It not only results in consuming lots of time and fuel looking for parking spaces, but also reduces driveway space. Furthermore, the parking problems also affect people’s safety. Therefore, satisfying the parking demand in a limited space can be achieved by controlling the accuracy of the parking demand forecast.

  The object of this research is to develop a model to calculate the parking generation rate by considering the trip generation rate, mode split rate, and car occupancy. This model can be used to calculate the parking demand for different land uses in Taipei City. According to the regulation of land use in Taipei, the whole city will be classified into twenty groups. The content of this research includes:

  1. The methodology of survey and sampling, and statistics estimates.
  2. The survey of the characteristics of sample buildings in each classified group.
  3. The survey of the trip characteristics of sample buildings in each classified group.
  4. The survey of the implied parking demand for each sample building.
  5. The calculation of the average hourly parking generation rate.
  6. The development of the parking generation model for each land use.

  The result of the survey shows that parking generation rates of the buildings, with different usage, in the same classified group are significantly different. Moreover, the characteristics of the parking generation of the buildings, with the same usage, are also different. It may be mainly explained by their different locations.

Post date 1996-09-23
Count Views:449