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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Planning and Design Manual of Traffic Control Devices-Marking Part
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 1996

  This manual has systematically summarized the existing regulations for highway markings defined in the Installation Rule for Traffic Signs, Highway Markings, and Traffic Signals and the Manual of Traffic Engineering, which have been followed by traffic engineers in Taiwan. Considering the most common troubles a user may confront, this manual has provided examples and detailed explanations. Hopefully, this manual can both be a valuable reference book for traffic engineers and a good teaching material in schools.

  The references for this manual have collected the related specifications of China (CNS) and America (ASTM). They can help readers understanding where the origins of those rules are.

  Finally, this manual would like to remind readers that it is not possible to include all possible situations in such a book. Therefore, some adjustments according to the special situations that occur in the field may still be necessary. In other words, even having this manual, traffic engineers still need to make their judgments carefully in order to find the best way to use their highway markings.

Post date 1996-09-23
Count Views:477