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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A Study of Present Safety Management of MASS and Its Future Development.
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2023
Month 4
Price 180

       Thanks to the advancements in communication, information, and technology, the development of automated and Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) has greatly improved in maritime transportation. Although the United Nations has defined the name, development direction, and regulatory scope of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), discussions on human factors in ship accidents and potential threats and risks to maritime safety in the relevant literature remain very limited. This project employs a literature review, fault tree analysis, and expert panel discussions to explore the safety management of maritime autonomous surface ships (hereinafter referred to as autonomous ships) and the potential risks involved.
Through this project, it is found that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has undertaken important tasks such as defining, categorizing, and determining the regulatory scope (RSE) of autonomous ships, and considers new risks associated with autonomous ships as the main challenges to be addressed. In response, to overcome these challenges, this project proposes four
suggestions: "developing regulatory guidelines or standards for autonomous ship administration," "formulating response strategies for autonomous ship safety management," "enhancing the safety management scale for developing autonomous ships," and "developing an action plan for autonomous ship safety management" to provide reference and application for our country's development of autonomous ship safety management.

Post date 2023-04-29
Count Views:109