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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Pilot Operation Project of the Advanced Intelligent Bus Operation and Management (1/2)- The development of driving hours management system integrated with on-board vehicle equipment.
Dept IOT
Year 2023
Month 4
Price 470

       This project is the first-year plan of the two-year "Advanced Bus Intelligent Operation Management Pilot Operation Plan". The first year is the preliminary concept verification stage, and the main axis of the plan is to develop and integrate driving hours management of an on-board equipment system; the second year is the expansion of the proof-of-concept stage, with the development of a driving digital history management system that integrates blockchain in-vehicle networks and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) as the primary plan of execution.
       This project develops a set of "driving hours management system (hereinafter referred to as the system)" that integrates blockchain technology and OBD vehicle equipment. The aim is to alleviate excessive working hours or fatigue-related issues among road passenger transport drivers, effectively enhancing road safety, and assisting domestic passenger transport operators in leveraging advanced ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to strengthen data governance and digital transformation, and create a SMART (Safety, Mobility, Accessibility, Responsiveness, Trustiness) public transport development environment.
       The "Driving time management system" includes two major systems: "vehicle machine hardware" and "driving data blockchain and management software". "Vehicle hardware" includes peripheral devices such as OBD, GPS, 4G wireless network transmission module, etc., which can perform driving hours records, OBD vehicle driving information and fault code storage, and can transmit the aforementioned data through 4G wireless network in realtime to the driving data blockchain, through the non-tamperable feature of the blockchain, and faithfully record the driving information of each trip of the road passenger transport.
       "Driving data block chain and management software" allows managers to query the driving hours and vehicle status of the monitored vehicles, and has a vehicle failure warning function. Alerts are issued for drivers who may be working overtime or for vehicles that may experience malfunctions. In order to verify the feasibility of this system technology, this plan also conducts a real vehicle test, dispatching 4 buses and 16 drivers to drive 4 routes, with a total of 397 trips and a cumulative driving time of 615.11 hours. The test results show that the system can achieve the expected goal. The research results of this project, in addition to assisting the operators in self-management and
effectively monitoring driving hours, can also assist highway authorities in improving the efficiency of highway supervision.

Post date 2023-04-28
Count Views:131