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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Research on Marine Safety Information Collection and Implication Model of Taiwan
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2022
Month 5
Price 350

       This project explores the contents and applications of maritime safety data. In addition to understanding the types of maritime cases, we can also establish a data system through accident investigation, conduct follow-up analysis and prevent the recurrence of similar accidents, and use the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), and
advanced maritime countries in Asia and Europe and the United States as a reference for the subsequent strengthening of the collection and application of maritime safety data of our maritime regulatory authorities as well as source management of the causes of maritime cases. In addition, managing the major cause of a casualty at the source can reduce the occurrence of marine
casualties or incidents effectively and improve marine safety in Taiwan.
       In order to search for the best practice of marine investigation in Taiwan, we discuss related topics, including the definition of marine casualty and categories of marine incidents, the marine casualty notification system, the report of marine casualty, and the investigators between Taiwan and other advanced maritime countries. At last, we draw specific conclusions and recommendations to provide the follow-up enhancement. As a reference for the marine safety policy of Taiwan, planning the model of collecting and implicating marine safety data can make the marine investigation system in Taiwan more complete.

Post date 2022-06-15
Count Views:267