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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A Study of Enhancing Highway System’s Adaptive Capacity in the Planning Phase (1/2)
Dept Transportation Energy and Environment Division
Year 2022
Month 3
Price 350

       To strengthen Taiwan’s ability to adapt to climate change, Article 13 of "The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” ratified in July 2015 requires the central industry competent authorities to develop climate change adaptation strategies. The Institute of Transportation (IOT) has begun research on adaptation strategies for the transportation sector since 2018 and has maintained regular reviews on the strategies to ensure they are up-to-date.
The revised strategies in this year focus on four strategies of adaptation as follows: Enhancing transportation system’s resistance to climate impact, strengthening functions of early-warning and response systems, improving the rehabilitation of transportation system, and providing essential support for decision-making. Not only that, fifteen measures are proposed to respond to climate change.
       In addition, road systems are the most closely related to people’s daily lives out of all transportation systems.However, existing planning mechanisms and associated specifications of road infrastructure have not adequately considered climate change adaptation. If the concept of climate change adaptation can be incorporated into the road infrastructure planning stages, its ability to respond to extreme weather events will be effectively enhanced. In order to enhance the adaptation capability of roadways under climate change, it is necessary to explore the entire cycle from planning to the subsequent management of roadway facilities (including new construction and reconstruction). As a result, this project refers to multiple manuals and guidelines for climate change adaptation published by foreign authorities in charge of road infrastructure, offering some insights into the inclusion of climate change factors in the existing mechanism of road infrastructure planning, which provide a reference to the authorities in charge of road
       Besides, training sessions were held to strengthen the transportation administration's understanding of adaptation. Other major items include compiling and reviewing the results of climate change adaptation for transportation systems.

Post date 2022-04-06
Count Views:319