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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Transportation Issues in the Northern Region and Development Strategies
Dept IOT
Year 2021
Month 12

This case adopted the supply and demand forecast output results in the 2020 “Study on Comprehensive Land Transportation Planning in Northern Taiwan” by the Institute of Transportation, MOC as the basis. With reference to the special municipality and county (city) land plans, “2020 Transportation Policy White Paper” and the major transportation constructi on design project contents of the counties and cities, an analysis on transportation development trends was carried out based on the supply and demand f orecast results for the coming year. The transportation issues in the northern region and development st rategies were proposed. The transportation development strategies across the life circles are summarized as follows:
(I) Intercity Transportation Development Strategies Across the Life Circles
1. Highway transportation system: (1) link major broken links of freeways/expressways, eliminate existing bottleneck roads;(2) activate management means and measures and improve the efficiency of smooth freeway/expressway traffic; (4) improvethe provisional and county highway inter city road networks and complete the infrastructure.
2. Public transportation system: (1) Strengthen labor of division in various track system services; (2) Establish outstanding transfer services; (3) Provide counseling to freeway b us operators to change their mode of operations.
(II) Development strategies for Urban Transportation across and Life Cycles
1. Taipei life cycle: (1) improve regional traffic problems in Neihu District; (2) enhance the public transportation occupancy in New Taip ei City; (3) conduct collaborative traffic management for cross river bridges between New Taipei City and Taipei City; (4) improve the traffic problem in Tamsui Taipei Transport Corridor.
2. Taoyuan Life Cycle: (1) strengthen the service quality of highways t o and fro Taoyuan, Zhongli, Pingzhen, and Lungtan areas; (2) develop the habit to access public transportation systems; (3) the traffic in Zhongli (Qingpu), Kuishan, and Taoyu an Aerotropolis, and other emerging regions undergoing development require overal l planning.
3. Hsinchu Life Cycle: (1) improve the highway system to overcome the Touchengxi Bridge bottleneck; (2) improve Hsinchu Science Park’s access road problems; (3) promote Hsinchu Station Platform Plana and Hsinchu Light Rail Network; (4) there is a year on year decline in the bus utilization rate. Bus road networks should be periodically reviewed to provide graded stem line buses, shuttle buses, tour buses, and other services in response to the needs of remote towns.
4. Keelung Life Cycle: (1) strength en the “Keelung Taipei” corridor public transport stem functions; (2) enhance the efficiency of public transportation in the life cycle.
5. Yilan Life Cycle: (1) increase public transportation road network coverage and improve service quality; (2) transfer pa ssengers to railway transportation across the life cycles; (3) strengthen tourism transportation services during holidays.

Post date 2021-12-29
Count Views:405