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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Promotion and Management of Intellectual Property Rights and Knowledge Sharing Services of Technology Development Project Findings
Dept Transportation Technology and Information Division
Year 2021
Month 7
Price 340

       With the progressive development of science and technology, the ability to create, use and commercialize knowledge and technology is considered a significant index for competitiveness, and intellectual property has already become a focal point closely watched by domestic and foreign enterprises and academic institutes. In order to keep the experience and knowledge learned during various IOT research projects, to allow for the proper protection and planning of research results, and to improve the knowledge conservation of traffic technology and create new value,
this project has expanded the IOT knowledge management system (KMS) for internal and external use. With the sustainable development of KMS, transportation technology can be efficiently promoted and knowledge can be migrated successfully.
       At the same time, the project will provide follow-up intellectual property research for technological development projects currently underway at the IOT. Based on the progress and type of research projects, different sorts of intellectual property management related services are provided, including suggestions for research topics, license planning, technology transfer authorization, patent applications, FTO analysis and legal counseling. This can protect and increase the value of research results and drive innovative research results to realize their expected benefits.

Post date 2021-08-10
Count Views:391