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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A Study on Skid Resistance in Pavement Marking Materials
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2021
Month 7
Price 480

      The objective of this research was to evaluate the skid resistance of the pavement marking materials, in particular that of the recent trial with pavement marking material with 65BPN or above, to understand the range of skid resistance decline. This research is for the reference of subsequent adjustments to pavement marking material standards by the MOTC.
      The research scope was divided into two parts: field and laboratory testing. In terms of field testing, there were101 testing locations in 13 different location and tests were performed five times for each location between June andOctober 2020 (505 tests in total). The field testing data was analyzed using quantitative tools, including numerical analysis, classification analysis, and correlation analysis. However, the outcome of field testing was not able to find a significant relationship between the skid resistance of pavement marking materials with the designated parameters,
because of factors such as nonuniformity and field pollution when any pavement marking materials were installed in the field. Hence, it is recommend that data from laboratory accelerated polishing tests is used as the main foundation for analysis.
In terms of laboratory testing, 13 sets for a total of 26 pavement marking material slabs for accelerated polishing tests were collected. The Florida Test Method FM5-622 was referenced and a three-wheel polishing device to polish pavement marking materials at 20 degrees Celsius was utilized for the accelerated polishing test. The test results showed that skid resistance of most test subjects declined significantly from 8 to 10 BPN before 12,000 polishing revolutions; between 12,000 to 150,000 polishing revolutions, the skid resistance declined only marginally. On the other hand, when there was 3mm thin film of moisture present on the surface, skid resistance dropped about 10 to 20
percent. Nevertheless, after 150,000 polishing revolutions, the BPN of all materials was greater than 51 BPNregardless of the type of materials or the circumstances.
Releveant literature shows that vehicle skidding is not determined by a single impact factor. Based on the research outcomes, it is suggested that it is feasible to raise the current standard and specification of the skid resistance of pavement marking materials from 45BPN to 50BPN. It is also vital for road agencies not only to ensure the performance of skid resistance in pavement marking materials meets the standards, but also to remind road users from time to time of road safety concerns and measures.

Post date 2021-08-04
Count Views:338