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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A Series of Studies on the Overall Transportation Planning of Southern Taiwan Region (1/2) - Investigation and Analysis of Trip Characteristics
Dept Transportation Planning and Land Transport Division
Year 2020
Month 10
Price 800

       The Southern Taiwan Region comprises six counties and cities, which are Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Pingtung County. The focus of this year’s work will be on the survey and analysis of trip characteristics. Through the survey of trip characteristics and the screen-line traffic volume, the project will be able to grasp the changes of trips within the region, and complete the forecast of target year’s socioeconomics, big data and cellular signaling data in the model application and verification concept research and analysis, as well as build the application practices for the module of energy consumption/carbon emission estimation, in order to facilitate the construction of the Southern Taiwan regional model, complete the analysis of supply and demand forecasts in the Southern Taiwan Region, and develop a strategy for the overall transportation development in the Southern Taiwan Region. The related study results are as follows:
1. Future socioeconomic development trends  (1) The population of cities and counties in the Southern Taiwan Region is expected to decline continuously and the proportion of its population in the overall population in Taiwan will also decrease slightly in the future.   (2) The household size, the employed population and the school population in the Southern Taiwan Region are expected to decline, due to the trend of low marriage rate, late marriage age and declining birth rate.  (3) Personal income and car/motorcycle ownership are expected to continue to grow slowly.
2. Observation and analysis of trip characteristics in Southern Taiwan Region  (1) Private vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles, are the main transportation vehicle choice of the Southern Taiwan Region, and the proportion of non-motorized vehicles is around 13% to 16%.  (2) The purpose of all trips, Home-Work (HBW), H-Other (HBO) and Non-Home (NHB) trips mainly use private vehicles. Home-Education (HBE) trips use a higher proportion of public transportation than the others. Non-Home (NHB) trips have the highest proportion of walking among all trips.  (3) The average trip length is around 1.94 to 3.02 km per trip. Pingtung area has the highest (3.02 km per trip) and Kaohsiung area has the lowest (1.94 km per trip) trip length.  (4) The average trip rate is around 1.80 to 2.01 trips per person. Kaohsiung area has the highest (2.01 trips per day) and Chiayi area has the lowest (1.80 trips per day) overall trip rate.
3. Observation and analysis of trip characteristics for the elders  (1) The main trip purpose of people aged 65 and older is Home-Other (HBO) trips. The proportion of HBO trips for people aged 65-74 is over 70%, and for people over 75 years old is over 85%.  (2) Elders (people aged 65 and older) have a low proportion of using cars and motorcycles, and the proportion is even lower when it comes to people aged 75 and over. The proportion of riding bicycle and walking is higher for people aged 75 and over than those aged 65-74.   (3) Elders (people aged 65 and older) are mainly with trip length within 3 km per trip, accounted for more than 75%. 

Post date 2020-10-22
Count Views:533