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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The Study of the Contributing Factors for Choice Behavior Affecting Public Transportation Fixed Term Passes
Dept Transportation Operations and Management Division
Year 2020
Month 7
Price 0

      The purpose of promoting public transportation fixed term passes is mainly to encourage people to use public transportation and to attract people using private transportation vehicles to switch to riding of public transportation. Through the collection of data at home and abroad, this Study had a preliminary understanding of cross-vehicle integration methods, such as conducting study of participants, types of vehicle integration, and fare integration methods, to understand the experience of promoting fixed term passes for public transportation at home and abroad. This Study conducted research and analysis on the main factors considered by the traveling passengers, competent authorities and choice of passenger carriers or the promotion of public transportation fixed term passes. In addition, this Study also collected estimation methods for understanding the behavior mode of public transportation fixed term pass choice as the reference for promoting public transportation fixed term passes in the future. 

Post date 2020-08-18
Count Views:441